Last events of 2020
RECON General Assembly (6-Oct-2020)
The last general assembly of the year took place on Zoom, most popular meeting place of 2020. After a summary of all RECON activities for 2019-2020, the new statutes were presented and voted on. These new statutes now allow anyone to apply to be a regular member of RECON. A new board was also voted in, with the first and foremost task of this board being to put in place a new Code of Conduct for RECON. Unfortunately, due to technical issues, the recording of the General Assembly was lost. We apologize to those who could not attend the General Assembly and wished to watch it.
[Edit 10th July 2021] We managed to recover the video. You can watch it here: Passcode: T@gAS7Q2
COVID-19 Challenge
A new COVID platform called the RECON COVID-19 Challenge, was also started at the end of 2020: It is meant to be a communication platform with the general goal of connecting members of the R community, R package developers and field agents working on the response to COVID-19 who use R (such as epidemiologists, statisticians or mathematical modellers) to help them meet their R related needs. It provides a place to request feedback in real time on analytical needs related to COVID-19. These requests are compiled and organized by order of priority on the platform for package developers and members of the R community to browse and help contribute to.
Happy New Year
2021 is full of hope for RECON and all its members. Last year was a year of many challenges and time constraints for RECON, but also a year of positive changes, with 17 new members and a new board (see all the new faces on ). We hope the new projects started in 2020 and the new measures voted on set the tone for 2021 and will bring new energy into RECON.
And now, on to 2021… Best wishes from the RECON Board!