This function creates an igraph object from a given epicontacts object containing a 'contacts' dataframe.

# S3 method for epicontacts
as.igraph(x, ...)



An epicontacts object.


Further arguments passed to as.igraph


An igraph object (from the igraph package). Note: any column called "name" in the original linelist will be stored as a new vertex attribute in the igraph object named 'epicontacts_name'. This is due to the inherent behaviour of igraph creating its own 'name' vertex attribute.


Nistara Randhawa (


if (require(outbreaks) && require(igraph)) { ## build data x <- make_epicontacts(ebola_sim$linelist, ebola_sim$contacts, id = "case_id", to = "case_id", from ="infector", directed = TRUE) ## subset data - keep 50 cases from linelist with contacts ids <- get_id(x, "common")[1:50] ids x <- x[ids, ids] ## make igraph object with associated attributes from epicontacts object net <- as.igraph(x) net plot(net, vertex.label = "", vertex.size = 10, vertex.color = cases_pal(50)) }
#> Loading required package: outbreaks
#> Loading required package: igraph
#> Warning: package 'igraph' was built under R version 4.1.2
#> #> Attaching package: 'igraph'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': #> #> decompose, spectrum
#> The following object is masked from 'package:base': #> #> union