This function compute the tracing score of a group of contacts, i.e. a set of individual who have been exposed to one or several cases whose dates of onsets are known. The tracing score is defined as the expected number of individuals that will show symptoms for the first time on day 't'.
group_score(x, R, lambda, w)
package to generate discretized distributions (see
details).A function with two arguments:
: the date for which the score should be computed.
: the number of days since the last visit to the
contact, defaulting to 1
, which means that the last visit happened the
day before t
See the distcrete
package for generating discretized
distributions at:
if (require(distcrete)) { ## simulate data set.seed(1) x <- replicate(30, sample(0:30, sample(1:5), replace = TRUE)) head(x) ## generate serial interval distribution SI <- distcrete("gamma", 1L, w = 0, 10, 0.65)$d plot(SI, type="h", xlim=c(0,50), xlab = "Days") title("Serial interval distribution") R <- 2.3 lambda <- 3 ## get scoring function g <- group_score(x, R, lambda, SI) g(c(10,20,30)) # Exp nb of new cases at t=10,20,30 plot(g, xlim = c(0, 100), type = "h", main = "Expected number of new cases", xlab = "Current time", ylab = "Number of cases") set.seed(1) ## early wave x1 <- replicate(30, sample(0:20, sample(1:6), replace = TRUE)) ## large middle wave x2 <- replicate(140, sample(15:70, sample(1:3), replace = TRUE)) ## late wave x3 <- replicate(140, sample(65:80, sample(1:4), replace = TRUE)) ## get scoring functions for every group list_g <- lapply(list(x1, x2, x3), group_score, R, lambda, SI) ## get predictions for days 1:120 pred_nb_cases <- sapply(list_g, function(g) g(1:120)) barplot(t(pred_nb_cases), col = pal1(3), border = "grey", main = "Predicted new cases per groups", xlab = "Current time", ylab = "Number of new cases (stacked)") axis(side=1) }