These functions compute the expected distributions of distances between pairs of cases given a case reporting probability 'pi'. Analytical results are used for some special cases, including:

dpaircase(x, type = c("temporal", "genetic", "spatial", "empiric"),
  gamma_shape, gamma_rate = 1, gamma_scale = 1/gamma_rate, poisson_rate,
  sd_spatial, p, pi, alpha = 0.001)

dtemporal(x, shape, rate = 1, scale = 1/rate, pi, alpha = 0.001)

dspatial(x, sd, pi, alpha = 0.001)

dgenetic(x, gamma_shape, gamma_rate = 1, poisson_rate, pi,
  gamma_scale = 1/gamma_rate, alpha = 0.001)

dempiric(p, pi, alpha = 0.001)


vector of quantiles.
type of distance to be considered (one of "temporal","genetic", "spatial" or "empiric").
gamma_shape, gamma_scale
shape and scale of the gamma distribution used for the serial interval
an alternative way to specify the scale of the gamma distribution used for the serial interval
rate (i.e. mean) of the poisson distribution used for the per time unit genetic mutation rate
standard deviation of the Normal spatial kernel.
A numeric vector providing the probability mass function, or empirical frequencies, of pairwise distances.
The reporting probability, i.e. the proportion of cases of the outbreak that have been reported.
The probability threshold to be used to determine the maximum value of generations between two successive cases to consider; this value ('max_kappa') will be the smallest k so that p(k > max_kappa) < alpha. Defaults to 0.001.
shape, scale
shape and scale of the gamma distribution used for the serial interval
an alternative way to specify the scale of the gamma distribution used for the serial interval
standard deviation of the Normal spatial kernel.


  • temporal distances: the serial interval is assumed to be gamma-distributed; the procedure returns a discretized, weighted convolution of gamma distributions.

  • genetic distances: assumed ... TBC


## COMPARE DEMPIRIC AND DTEMPORAL ## Note in this comparison we are not expecting to get exactly the same ## results since dempiric does the convolution between discretised gamma ## distributions whilst dtemporal does the convolution between gamma ## distributions. ## compute empirical distribution correponding to exponential(mean 50) mean_exp <- 50 x <- 0:300 reporting_rate <- 0.5 p <- dgamma(x, shape = mean_exp, rate = 1) ## computes pdf of a gamma distr with shape mean_exp and scale = rate = 1 ## (i.e. an exponential distr with mean mean_exp) ## use this as an empirical distribution to feed into dempiric empiric_exp_distr_r50 <- dpaircase(x, type = "empiric", p = p, pi = reporting_rate) temporal_distr_r50 <- dpaircase(x, type = "temporal", gamma_shape = mean_exp, gamma_rate = 1, pi = reporting_rate) ## compare the two correlation <- cor(empiric_exp_distr_r50, temporal_distr_r50) ## graphical comparison plot(x, empiric_exp_distr_r50, xlab = "Time", ylab = "pdf", main = "Time between linked cases", cex.main = 1, pch = 3)
mtext("SI ~ exp(mean=50), pi = 0.5", side = 3)
lines(x, temporal_distr_r50, col = "red")
legend("topright", c("dempiric","dtemporal"), pch = c(3, -1), lwd = c(-1, 1), col = c("black","red"), bty = "n")
## COMPARE DEMPIRIC AND DGENETIC ## compute empirical distribution correponding to ## an Exponential(mean 50)-Poisson(mean 0.6) mixture mean_exp <- 50 mutation_rate <- 0.6 x <- 0:300 reporting_rate <- 0.5 prob <- 1-mutation_rate/(mutation_rate+1) ## pmf of a negative binomial distr with parameters size and prob p <- dnbinom(x, size = mean_exp,prob = prob) ## use this as an empirical distribution to feed into dempiric empiric_exp_distr_r50 <- dpaircase(x, type = "empiric", p = p, pi = reporting_rate) genetic_distr_r50 <- dpaircase(x, type = "genetic", gamma_shape = mean_exp, gamma_rate = 1, poisson_rate = mutation_rate, pi = reporting_rate) ## compare the two correlation <- cor(empiric_exp_distr_r50, genetic_distr_r50) ## graphical comparison plot(x, empiric_exp_distr_r50, xlab = "Number of mutations", ylab = "pmf", main = "Mutations between linked cases", cex.main = 1, pch = 3)
mtext("SI ~ exp(mean=50), pi = 0.6", side = 3)
lines(x, genetic_distr_r50, col = "red")
legend("topright", c("dempiric", "dgenetic"), pch = c(3, -1), lwd = c(-1, 1), col = c("black","red"), bty = "n")